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For the Lord is good.

For the LORD is good: his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations. Psalm 100:5

For the Lord is good. Think about a situation or time in your life where you just didn't understand what God was doing. Maybe this season has come and gone, but maybe you're in this season right now. If you have been anchored in God's presence you most likely know and understand God's love for you even through difficult times. You most likely know deep in your heart that God has not forgotten you or forsaken you. Through these seasons when we don't understand what God is doing we know God is just, holy, and righteous. While it may be hard to think about who God is when we are going through something difficult we still believe He is all these things. Yet, there is one thing I believe we forget when we go through hard days. I believe we forget that the Lord is good. He is good! Our seasons of confusion, grief, depression, anger, and so on do not change the fact that God is good. Yet, during these times we completely forget about His goodness. I believe it is usually because we don't understand what's going on or why things are happening. We think only about the negative instead of keeping our eyes and hearts glued on Jesus. It's not easy to confess that God is good when we're hurting, but it doesn't change the fact that He is. If you're going through a season where you just don't understand I pray that this week you will start telling God, "God you are good." Tell it to Him over and over again. Say it out loud. Write it down. Sing it. Do whatever you need to do to confess with your heart that God is good. He doesn't need you to tell Him that He's good, because it's just part of who He is. But, something happens in our hearts when we confess who He is. You may believe that God is good, but are you living as if He is? When you confess it you start believing it, and living as if it is true. We pray this week that no matter what you're going through you would be able to walk in victory because you know that God is good.

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